Ceramic Two-Piece Toilet

MF BATH is a professional manufacturer of ceramic two-piece toilets in China. We are committed to providing our customers with high-quality ceramic toilet products that meet their requirements.

Having decades of collective experience in the ceramic sanitary ware industry, we possess advanced manufacturing equipment and extensive experience. We focus on OEM and ODM capabilities and are professional in creating your brand.

The Best Ceramic Two-piece Toilets for You

We manufacture only the best ceramic two-piece toilet on the market:
le utsil calidad; Utsil Diseño; Utsil k'iinil k'u'ubul.

View More Two-piece Toilet

Ka in wil asab Inodoro ka'ap'éel páajtal a, download our current catalog for an overview of all products, including styles, size, features and benefits, warranties, among other things. Opt for the paperless version to save money and the environment. Manuals are updated regularly. If you don’t see something you are looking for, email us at sales01.mfocus@gmail.com and we’d be happy to assist.

Professional Ceramic Two-piece Toilet Manufacturer and Supplier in China

MF Bath is a premier ceramic two-piece toilet manufacturer and supplier in China. We offer a wide range of models and sizes. Our aim is to supply high-quality products, solutions, and services that surpass market standards while maintaining competitive prices.

We adhere to strict value standards in product development, manufacturing, and quality control. We guarantee that you, as a consumer, will experience the best products and services.

Juntúul breve autonominación, Wáaj Ba'axten elegir MAIN FOCUS BATH.

For more than 10 years, Main Focus Bath has been offering visionary solutions to supermarkets and wholesalers. Our sanitary ware products can be found all over the world. We are famous for our innovative bathroom products, unmatched quality, and superior performance.


Centrado ti' le cliente: Proporcionamos soluciones específicas utia'al Amal ka'anatako'ob ti' yik'áalil personalizados ku satisfacen completamente kajtalo'ob ichil u k clientes. Mantats' teech le yáax!

Líder Tecnológico: Le yik'áalil MainFocus Bath beta'aniko'ob yéetel ma'alo'obtal xnuk diseñada utia'al satisfacer kajtalo'ob ichil u le futuro.

Pionero le fabricación: MainFocus Bath ti' le lujo ti' a máansik yéetel innovar yéetel le ma'alo'obtal debido a k operaciones fabricación ts'ook generación.

Ba'ax le wíiniko'obo' ku ya'alik yóok'ol MAIN FOCUS BATH!

Ts'o'ok k meyajtik cientos clientes satisfechos. Táan a ku algunas u reseñas.


“ Affordable and easy to install”


“ Elegant, reliable toilets”


“ ECO friendly.”

K'áat chi'oba' frecuentes Tu yo'olal u kóoniko'ob ti' le tumen mayor inodoros ba'alo'ob yéetel k'at

Yaan u sentido ka yanak ti' k'áat chi'oba' bey ma' u jump'éel maano' k yik'áalil inodoro cerámicos ti' jump'éel xéet. Tune', k enumerado algunas k k'áat chi'oba' asab frecuentes in continuación. Explora k sección k'áat chi'oba' frecuentes ka tu láak' a t'aani' teech yéetel to'on wa yaan alguna k'áat chi' restante.


Le plazo k'u'ubul suele u oscilar ichil 30 45 k'iino'ob, dependiendo de le Buka'aj le pedido yéetel u k cha'ana' producción.

K inodoros táan certificados yéetel le norma ISO 9001 yéetel uláak' normas internacionales calidad yéetel ti' seguridad nu'p k'axo'ob, ku garantiza cumplen yéetel le requisitos
requisitos u ya'ab mercados kaxtik.

Je'el u páajtal k personalizar le diseño, u boonil yéetel le yáantajo'ob ti' le inodoros utia'al u adapten le preferencias yéetel requisitos específicos ti' u mercado.

Ba'axten lo general, requerimos jump'éel ye'esik úuch le 30 ti chúumuk yéetel le saldo ku k'a'ana'an bo'otik le kan u ju'unil B leti' L ti' jump'éel k'iino'ob. Ba'ale' k abiertos u negociar le términos utia'al u pedidos nukuch wa repetidos.

Jaaj, je'el u páajtal k ts'aik muestras utia'al u yila'al. U tojol le muestras ku páajtal deducir ti' le pedido ti' le tumen mayor juntéene' confirmado.

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Ba'ax yaan asab k'áat chi'oba' wa yéetel táan interesado ti' k inodoro cerámico ti' jump'éel xéet. Wa beyo', Búukint u ti' máax ku To'one' yo'osal le uláak' formulario.

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Páaybe'en: U t'aan correo electrónico ku mantendrá estrictamente confidencial.

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Descargue k catálogo utia'al u consultar k yik'áalil, seleccione le inodoros yéetel lavabos adecuados utia'al u mercados.

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Páaybe'en: U t'aan correo electrónico ku mantendrá estrictamente confidencial.

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